The best advice for buying a new office printer in Kent 01892 597150
When selecting a new office printer in Kent, what do you look for? Most people say price, seems a good answer but its incorrect! Ultimately, you have to examine the "total cost of ownership" because what starts off to be cheap often ends up costing you a fortune every year that you own the printer.
We are all guilty of buying the "cheap" inkjet printer for home and when the starter cartridges run out, we jump on amazon and cringe at how the cartridge cost was more than the whole printer. This is no different when you buy a large A3 photocopier for the work office, there are a lot of considerations to what printing machine suits your business, Copier King can help navigate this minefield, we offer the best printer price and advice to what machine you actually require.
This is a little snippet and food for thought on making a decision for a new printer, please read the following article from Toshibatec which fully explains everything:
The Price of Print: Evaluating Total Cost of Ownership for Your Business
Call Copier King today for a new printer price that correctly fits your budget into the future 01892 597150