Copier King - the photocopier experts

01892 597150 (Kent) | 01273 289002 (East Sussex)

Working to support local charities and non-profit organisations in our community

#Givingback project

Copier King cares about its community and believes that the customer experience is priority. We have been in business for over 10 years and understand the needs of our customers and those in our community.

In 2018 we provided the charity Compaid, who For 30 years, supported disabled people in and around Kent to realise their potential, with two new printers, enabling them be able to print and copy clients work, designs and artwork. It made such a difference to the charity and the people who use it and we were delighted that we could help. But we wanted to do more, so with this in mind we launched the #GivingBack project. The project was set up as a way for us at Copier king to be able to support and…you guessed it…give something back to the local community and the people in it.

We work with many charities including the Salvation Army, Compaid, The Uckfield volunteer centre, Paddock wood community advice centre and the Bumble bee conservation trust to name a few and have supported them by providing photocopiers and printers for their needs as well as helping with sponsorship and supporting events with raffle prizes such as a Toshiba TV.

Crowborough Life magazine published an article on Copier King last year focusing on the charitable support and work we do in the community and our strength and resolve to develop our #GivingBack project has gone from strength to strength helping more charitable and not for profit organisations than ever. We are incredibly proud of the work that we have been doing to support the community and local charities and over the coming weeks will put a spotlight on some of those that we are working with and supporting, promoting any new initiatives, special events or key aspects of their organisations they would like to highlight. We are excited at the opportunity to go another step further with the #Giving back project, helping to promote who they are and what they do and ultimately enabling them to achieve a wider reach and introducing their services to more people that may need to access their services and support in the community.

Our Copier king customers are important to us, whether they be large corporate organisations with a suite of photocopiers and manged print services or self employed customers with a single printer and we stand by our values of integrity, honesty and putting the customer and their needs first over everything else. We believe that as part of the community, our #Giving Back project can help the longevity of these useful and valuable charitable services, ensuring they are around for people to access and use for a long time to come.

If you are interested in partnering with us or getting involved with out #GivingBack project then get in touch with us by calling 01892 597150, emailing us at or accessing us through our social media platforms on Facebook Twitter @copierkingkent on Instagram copier_king or visit our website